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Bodo’s Onlie -Rezeptbuch

Marokko Jamaika
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  1. Cutting the cucumber is the toughest part of the job, which makes this an easy-peasy recipe, perfect for any day of the week.
  2. A cucumber salad is a thing of beauty. It cools, it refreshes, and it provides important nutrition thanks to a happy scoop of yogurt and tons of fiber from the cucumber (not to mention garlic’s anti-vampire qualities). While cucumber salads span the globe in one form or another, this version is popular through the Middle East, western Asia, and even parts of Europe (with minor variations).
  3. In Sudan, this salad can be enjoyed on it’s own, as a dip* or on the side of spiced meats, like grilled kofta [recipe]. All you need is a love for yogurt and garlic, and you’ll be on your way.

1. Gurke schälen, in kleine Würfel/Stücke schneiden.

2. 2 Zehen Knoblauch in kleinhacken

3. Alles in den Jogurt geben und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Fertig

There’s almost nothing to making cinnamon tea- just add cinnamon sticks to your favorite black tea… but the real fun came in trying to drink the tea through the sugar cubes. While none of us succeeded at drinking more than one sip through the cube, we sure had fun trying.

What I loved least about this drink:

Nothing. If you’d like the flavor stronger, just add more cinnamon (or boil it with the water while it heats up).

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cucumbers, peeled & cubed

1 1/2

cups yogurt


cloves garlic, crushed

salt & pepper


Mix cucumbers, yogurt, garlic, and seasonings.

Arbeitszeit: ca 20 Minuten  - Hauptspeise - Vegetarissch

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Cucumber Yogurt Salad