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Bodo’s Onlie -Rezeptbuch
Kochen und Servieren
Marinating Skirt Steak
Take the skirt steak and pound with the course end of the meat tenderiser on both sides. Take a knife and likewise lightly score each side of the steak. Place in a suitable dish and add the rest of the ingredients of the marinade. Massage into the steaks. Marinate for at least a couple of hours, preferably over night. Refrigerate until required
Step 2
Habanero Mustard
In a small saucepan add all the ingredients except the American mustard. Bring up to the boil then simmer for 30 minutes until the liquid is mostly reduced. Remove from the heat. Cool slightly, then puree with a wand blender to a paste. Fold into the American Mustard. Refrigerate until required. There will be plenty left over and it keep indefinitely.
Step 3
Flour Tortilla’s
*Makes 12 x 7 inch or 24 x 3 1/2 inch tortilla’s. Should be made on the day you intend to eat them. Pour the milk and oil into a small saucepan and warm slightly. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Once the milk and oil is warm, pour into the dry ingredients and mix together with your hands to form a dough. Knead the dough for 2 or 3 minutes, then cover with plastic wrap and rest for 15 minutes. Divide the dough into 12 or 24 balls. On a lightly floured clean work surface, using a rolling pin, roll out the tortillas to as thin as possible. Layer between grease proof paper with a dusting of flour. Cover and refrigerate until cooking
Step 4
Avocado and Corn Salsa
Take a medium sized bowl and add all the ingredients except the flakey sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Gently fold together until incorporated. Taste and season accordingly with the salt and pepper. Refrigerate until required.
Step 5
Cooking and Serving
Heat up the Char grill to super hot.
Season the skirt steaks and place on the grill. Cook for 3 or 4 minutes on either side. Remove and rest.
Clean your grill bars with a wire brush or similar.
Cook your tortilla’s straight on the grill. About 40 seconds on the first side and 10 on the second side. Place on a plate, piled up to keep warm while you cook the rest.
To assemble, lay out a warm tortilla on a board, add a lick of the habanero mustard across the centre of the tortilla. Slice and add a couple of pieces of the skirt steak, top with a liberal amount of salsa and season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lime. Wrap up fajita then pass to someone or tuck in yourself. Repeat.
Menge |
Zutaten |
Schritt1 |
1 kg Skirt Steak |
1 Tbl Knoblauch ( fein würfeln ) |
1/4 Tasse Korianderwurzel (feine Würfel ) |
1 Tbl Kümmel ( geröstet und gemahlen) |
1 Tbl Fenchelsamen ( geröstet und gemahlen) |
1 Tbl Sumac |
1/4 Tasse Olivenöl Extra Vergine |
Schritt 2 |
1/4 Tasse Schalotten (grob gehackt ) |
1 TL Knoblauch ( gehackt rau ) |
1/4 Tasse Koriander Vorbau oder Root ( fein gehackt) |
3 x Habanera oder Ähnliche Hot Chili (Samen entfernt , grob gehackt ) |
3/4 Tasse Weißweinessig |
Prise Salz |
1 Tbl Zucker |
2 Tassen Senf |
Schritte 3 |
1 Tasse Milch |
3 Tbl Pflanzenöl |
3 Tassen Allzweckmehl |
2 TL Backpulver |
1 1/2 TL Salz |
Schritt 4 |
4 x Maiskolben (gekocht und Kerne entfernt ) |
2 x Avocados (1 cm Würfel ) |
1/2 Tasse rote Zwiebel (fein würfeln ) |
1 Roasted Red Capsicum (1 cm Würfel ) |
1/2 Tasse Korianderblätter |
2 x Limes Saft und feinen Lebensfreude |
2 Tbl Extra Virgin Olive Oil |
Flakey Meersalz und frisch Cracked Black Pepper |
Schritt 5-8 |
Mariniertes Steak Rock |
Tortilla |
Avocado und Mais- Salsa |
Habanero Mustard |
Meersalz und frisch Cracked Black Pepper |
6 x Limetten ( halbiert) |
Orginalrezept : |
Step 1 |
• 1 kg Skirt Steak |
• 1 Tbl Garlic (fine dice) |
• 1/4 Cup Coriander Root (fine dice) |
• 1 Tbl Cumin seeds (roasted and ground) |
• 1 Tbl Fennel Seeds (roasted and ground) |
• 1 Tbl Sumac |
• 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil |
Step 2 |
• 1/4 Cup Shallots (rough chopped) |
• 1 tsp Garlic (rough chopped) |
• 1/4 Cup Coriander Stem or Root ( finely chopped) |
• 3 x Habanera or Similar Hot Chili%u2019s (seeds removed, rough chopped) |
• 3/4 Cup White Wine Vinegar |
• Pinch Salt |
• 1 Tbl Sugar |
• 2 Cups American %u2018Ball Park%u2019 Mustard |
Step 3 |
• 1 Cup Milk |
• 3 Tbl Vegetable Oil |
• 3 Cups All Purpose Flour |
• 2 tsp Baking Powder |
• 1 1/2 tsp Salt |
Step 4 |
• 4 x Corn Cobs (cooked and kernels removed) |
• 2 x Avocadoes (1cm dice) |
• 1/2 Cup Red Onion ( fine dice) |
• 1 Roasted Red Capsicum (1cm dice) |
• 1/2 Cup Coriander leaves |
• 2 x Limes juice and fine zest |
• 2 Tbl Extra Virgin Olive Oil |
• Flakey Sea Salt and Fresh Cracked Black Pepper |
Step 5 |
• Marinated Skirt Steak |
• Flour Tortilla%u2019s |
• Avocado and Corn Salsa |
• Habanero Mustard |
• Flakey Sea Salt and Freshly Cracked Black Pepper |
6 x limes (halved) |
Arbeitszeit: ca 15 -20 Minuten - Kühlschrank 1- - Hauptspeise
Das Weihnachtsmenü 2014
1. Sopa de caracol (Honduras)
2. Hot Stone Shrimp Ceviche with sweet potato (Peru)
3. Borani Esfanaaj (Iran)
4. Moyo (Togo)
5. Chargrilled Skirt Steak Fajitas w/ Avocado Corn Salsa and Habanero Mustard (Neuseeland)
6. Larmes de chocolat, mousse ivoirine et griottines (Frankreich)
Gekocht am
24.Dezember 2013
Chargrilled Skirt Steak Fajitas with Avocado Corn Salsa and Habanero Mustard