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Bodo’s Onlie -Rezeptbuch
Libyan Cuisine and Recipes
1. Cuscus bil-Bosla
2. Cuscus bil-Khodra
3. Cuscus bil-ghiddeed
4. Cuscus bil-hoot
5. Ruzz jaari
6. Ruzz Mbauakh
7. Ruzz Mohammas
8. Ruzz bil-khaloot
9. Batata Mbattina
10. Kronb mbattan
11. Kufta
12. Kuftat-hoot
13. Tabahij
14. Ejjat kausa
15. Ejjat prooklo
16. Ejjat sabanikh
17. Dajaj maghli
18. Laham maghli
19. Osbaan
20. Dolma mshakkila
21. Braak
22. Tajeen dajaj
23. Tajeen hoot
24. Tajeen laham fil-forn
25. Fakhthat karoof fil-forn
26. Filfil har mahshi bil-hoot
27. Tajeen bamia bil-dajaaj
Taba-ikh "yahniat":
28. Tabeekha "yahni"
29. Khlayat al-lahm
30. Khlayat alkabda wal gholoob
31. Asharbal-leebya
32. Sharbat adas
33. Sharbat khodaar
34. Sharbat dajaaj
35. Sharbat hilba
36. Sharbat hoot
37. Bazeen
38. Aseeda
39. Rishtat borma
40. Hasaa "lawsa"
41. Fool mdashash
42. Shakshooka 1
43. Shakshooka 2
44. Haraymi
45. Torshi
46. Mdammas aljazar
47. Salata mashwia
48. Kifta lil-atfaal
49. Maghrooth
50. Ghraiba
51. Ghraiba bil-laoz
52. Ghraibat halkoom
53. Kaak leebi hilw
54. Kaak malih
55. Kaak halkoom
56. Gharniat
57. Sfiniz
58. Zlabia
59. Awdaina
1. Cuscus bil-Bosla:
1 1/2 lb Cuscus
1 large spoon of oil
1 tea spoon of salt
1/2 cup water
4 large onions
2 spoons (medium) of butter
5 slices of lamb meat
1 cup garbanzi beans
2 potatoes
2 jalapenos
1/2 spoon chilli pepper
2 spoons tomato paste
The Sauce: Pour oil in a frying pan, add the meat and slices of onions. Cook it until its turn yellow. Add some spices, tomato, beans and 1/2 cups of water. Cook for 2 hrs under low heat. Add some water if necessary. Keep turning the mixture from time to time. Cut the 4 large onion in thin round sizes and put them in a saucepan under the low heat. Cook it until it turns yellow. Add butter and a little salt, chilli or pepper. Leave it until it cooked. Add the round slices of onions into the sauce and while the sauce is cook, add the cucus and a spoon of oil and salt. Steam it for the period. Serve it with some sauce pour on it.
2. Cuscus bil-Khodra
1 1/2 lb Cuscus
2 spoons tomato paste
1 lb meat
1/2 spoon chilli pepper
2 potato
1/2 spoon salt
2 onion
1/2 cup oil
3 green onions
2 tomato
2 carrots
2 jalapenos
1 cup of garbanzi beans
The Sauce : Pour oil in a frying pan and add the slices of meat and onions. Cook it until the onions turn into yellow colour. Put some spices, tomatoes, beans and 3 cups of water. Let it cook for 1/2 hr. under low temperature. Add the vegetables and water as needed and keep turning the mixture for a few minutes. Leave it cook for the meat to be soft. While making the sauce add the cuscus and a spoon of oil and a little salt. Steam it till it done. Serve the cusucs with some sauce pour on it.
3. Cuscus bil-Ghiddeed
Same as recipes # 2 but to be replaced with dried meat (Ghiddeed) and green beans (Foul Akhdar)
The Sauce: Add the dried meat and 3 cups of Garbanzi beans, spices and tomato in frying pan and leave it cook for 15 minutes under low heat. Add the vegetables and water as needed. While cooking the sauce, put the cuscus and a spoon of oil and little salt. Steam it for a period. Serve the cuscus with some sauce pour on it.
4. Cuscus bil-Hoot
1 large of fish
1/2 spoon of salt
1 cups of garbanzi beans
1/2 spoon of chilli pepper
3 potato
1/2 spoon of kammoon hoot
3 onions
1/2 cup of oil
3 spoon of tomato paste
2 tomatoes
1 1/2 lb cooked cuscus
1/2 spoon garlic (chopped)
Lemon juice
3 Jalapenos
The Sauce: Cut the fish in sizes you want. Marinated in mixed of garlic, lemon juice and kammon hoot for 1 hr. 1/2 of oil, rounded slices of onions and tomato sauce in frying pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Add beans, chilli, salt, potato and 2 1/2 cups of water and let it cook till the beans is soft. Add some of the rounded onions. After 10 minutes add the fish. Leave for 15 min. Add some water as needed. Put the cuscus and 1 spoon of oil and little salt. Steam in for a period. Serve with the pouring sauce on it.
5. Ruzz Jaari
4 cups of water
1/2 lb meat
2 spoon of butter
1 spoon spices
1 spoon of salt
2 cups rice
1 spoon tomato paste
Pour water with butter, salt and rice in a frying pan and let it cook for 10 minutes. Cover it up under the low heat. Put meat, tomato, and water and let it cook till the rice is done.
6. Ruzz Mbauakhi
2 cups of rice
2 spoon butter
1 spoon salt
The rice, butter and salt should be mixed together into a bowl and pour some water till covered. Leave for few min. Boil some additional water to steam it. Let it cook under pressure of steamer.
7. Ruzz Mhammas
2 Cups of rice
2 spoon of butter
1 spoon salt
Put the rice, butter and salt in a saucepan and let it cook under low temperature until the rice turn into golden colour. Add some water less than rice level. Cook with a low heat until the rice is ready.
8. Ruzz Bil Khaloot:
3 cups of rice
½ lb kabda (liver)
½ cup of oil
½ cup almond
1 spoon of butter
The Sauce: Baked Oil and almond together in a frying pan until its soft. Fry the meat, Liver in a butter under low heat until its becomes soft . Cook the rice likewise (# 5,6, & 7 ) Serve the rice with a pouring almond on top of it.
9. Batata Mbattina
8 potato
½ lb "ground" meat
1 selantro
2 onions
½ spoon salt
½ chilli pepper
½ black pepper
1/4 ghirfa
4 eggs
Cut the potato into the sizes you want. Mix tomato, meat, selantro,salt & spices. Use 2 pieces of slice potato into you mixture. Cover both side of stuffed potato with flour & eggs and fry it with oil. It is also can be bake in the oven before serving.
10. Kronb Mbattan
Same as # 9 but to be replace with potato with Zahrat Al Kronb
11. Kufta
1/2 lb ground meat (chopped)
1 selantro
3 spoon baking powder
1 spoon kammoon hoot
1 spoon salt
1/2 spoon black pepper
1/2 spoon chilli pepper
2 spoon garlic (chopped)
2 eggs
Mix all the ingredients. Take pieces of mixture and make a dough. Cover them with flour and eggs. Heat up the oil and cook it under deep frying, till the colour change.
12. Kuftat Hoot
2 pieces of large white fish
3 slices of crushed bread
1/2 selantro
1 spoon of Kammoon Hoot
1 spoon chilli Pepper
Garlic (chopped)
1 spoon baking powder
2 eggs
Slice the fish into a small pieces and mix with all the ingredients. Make a dough than cover up with flour and eggs. Cook under deep frying.
13. Tabahij
1 medium eggplant
3 tomato
1 Zucchini
1 spoon tomato paste
4 potato
1/2 spoon Kisper
4 jalapeno
1/4 spoon chilli pepper
Chopped garlic
Fry the zucchini, eggplant, potato and tomato in oil. Take some of the hot oil and use it to fry the tomato paste, spices, garlic under low heat. Add the vegetables in plate with some pouring sauce on top.
14. Eijjat Kausa
2 zucchini
3 eggs
1 cup of flour
1 onion
1 spoon salt
1 spoon chilli pepper
1 spoon baking powder
Cut the zucchini, selantro and onion and mix them. Add the flour, salt, baking powder, chilli and 3 spoon of water. Mix with eggs till the mixture is moderate. Fry them until it turn into gold colour
15. Eijjat Prooklo
Same as #14 but to be replaced with zucchini with prooklo
16. Eijjat Sapanikh
Same as #14 and replace the Zucchini with sapanikh
17. Dajaj Maghli
12 pieces of chicken
½ spoon colouring
½ garlic chopped
1 egg
½ black pepper
2 cups of bread (crushed)
½ spoon salt
1 lemon
Marinate the chicken in spices and lemon. Add the egg and leave for 1 hour. Mix the chicken with flour and cook with deep fry.
18. Laham Maghli
Same as #17 and replace the chicken with beef or lamb meet
19. Osban
Dwara and Masareen
1 shibt
Kabda and heart (meet (habra))
2 spoon of tomato paste
4 green onion
1 cup of rice
3 selantro (maadanous)
1 spoon of salt
1 spoon red chilli
1 spoon black pepper
1 spoon bzaar
1 spoon hrarat
½ cup of oil
1 spoon mint (na’naa)
Clean the dwarra and masareen with hot water and put them in a large bowl. Marinate them with lemon juice, salt and leave it for an hour. Wash them again to remove salt and the lemon residues. Cut the vegetables and the meat (habra and kabda) into small pieces. Mix the vegetables, meat and the balance of ingredients in a large bowl. Stuff the masareen and pieces of karsha. Put 4 cups of water, tomato and spices in a pan and boil it. Put the stuffed of masareen and karsha in the frying pan and heat it up until its ready.
20. Dolma Mshakila
4 bell pepper
½ cup of rice
3 potatoes
1 spoon dry mint
2 zucchinis
½ cup of lemon
3 tomato
½ spoon salt
½ lamb meat
½ spoon black pepper
1 selantro
1 spoon of tomato paste
1 green onions
½ cup olive oil
Slice the meat, onion, selantro and tomato into small pieces and mix all with the rice, mint, oil spices and lemon. Put the mix in the "bell pepper" potatoes and zucchini. Put the stuffed vegetables in a frying pan, to avoid the steam from going out. Preheat the oven at 250 degree and cook it for 1 hour. Increase the temp to 350 degree for the rice to be well cook.
21. Braak
Same as #20. Stuff the mixture in the grape leaves instead of bell pepper, potato or zucchini.
22. Tajeen Dajaj
Chicken meat
2 spoon tomato paste
1 spoon black pepper
1 spoon chopped garlic
1 spoon chilli pepper
Slice the meat into pieces, marinate in the mixture of spices, tomato and garlic. Leave for an hour. Put the marinated chicken in the oven. Leave it cooked as you like
23. Tajeen Bil Hoot
Any piece of selected fish
½ spoon chilli pepper
5 tomato
1 spoon tomato paste
3 garlic
4 jalepenos
½ cup of olive oil
½ spoon kammoon hoot
Marinate the fish in the lemon, kammon, garlic and salt for an hour. Add water in frying pan an put the tomato paste, garlic, salt kammoon, pepper and oil. Cut the potato in thin pieces and put them in the frying pan to seat the marinated fish . Seat the fish in the frying pan over the potato. Put in the oven under 350 deg. an let it cooked.
24. Tajeen Lahm Fil Forn
1 kg lamb meat
1 ½ spoon salt
½ spoon black pepper
1/4 spoon bzaar
1/4 spoon chilli pepper
1/4 spoon hraraat
Slice the meat into wanted sizes. Pour one cup of water in a frying pan an put the tomato paste, the spices and the butter. Put the meat in the pan. Cover the pan to avoid the steam from getting out. Cook under 350 deg in the oven. Serving with rice.
25. Fakhthat Karoof Fil Forn
1 lamb leg
4 spoon butter
1 spoon salt
10 garlic
1 cup of lemon
1 spoon chilli pepper
½ spoon black pepper
Marinate the meat in spices. Make holes in the meat and fill up with garlic and sprinkle the lemon juice over the meat. Leave the meat to marinate for 2 hrs. Put the meat in frying pan and covered. Put in the oven under 200 deg for an hour. Increase the temp to 350 deg and leave for 3 hours. Do not add water while cooking. Serving with rice or coscus.
26. Filfil Harr Mahshi Bil Hoot
12 jalapenos (large)
2 pieces of white fish
selantro (mafroom)
chopped garlic
½ lemon
½ spoon of kammoon hoot
½ spoon of chilli pepper
2 tomato
½ cup of tomato juice
½ spoon salt
Remove the seeds from the jalapenos. Slice the fish in a small pieces an add to the selantro, onion, garlic, kammoon, lemon and pepper and salt. Mix and add in the jalapenos. Stuffed jalapenos to be fry in hot oil, before cook again in the oven
27. Tajeen Bamia Bil Dajaaj
One whole chicken cut in sizes
1 spoon butter or 3 spoon olive oil
½ kg okra
½ spoon salt
1 tomato
½ black pepper
1 spoon tomato paste
½ spoon bzaar
½ cup tomato juice
1 onion
4 chopped garlic
Mix the spices, tomato, lemon juice, garlic, butter, onion with 3 cups of water. Add the okra and the chicken to the mixed an marinate for a while. Put the mixture in the oven for 300 deg and leave it cooked.
28. Tabeekha Yahni
1/4 cup oil or 2 spoon butter
5 pieces of lamb meat
2 spoon tomato paste
½ spoon salt
1/4 spoon bzaar
½ black pepper
Heat up the oil in a frying pan. Onion & meat to be stir for 5 minutes. Add the tomato and the spices with 2 ½ cups of water. Leave cooking under low heat. Add water if necessary. You may add either potatoes, beans or eggplants to the sauce. If you are adding potatoes it should be added ½ hour before turning the heat off. If beans, cooked separately in water for 15 min before added to the sauce and left half an hour cook in the sauce before turn it off. If eggplants , it must be cut in thin slices, fried in oil separately till colour turn gold, before turning off.
29. Khalyat Al Lahm
1kg lamb meat
3 spoon butter
1/4 spoon salt
1 spoon chilli pepper
Slice the meat into small pieces. Put the meat in a pan under low heat and leave the meat until its turn dry. Add butter and spices and leave it cooked.
30. Khalyat Alkabda Wal Gholoob
1 liver and 2 hearts (as you like)
3 spoon butter
½ cup olive oil
Spices as you like
Cut the liver and hearts into small pieces. Put the meat in a frying pan under low heat and leave till meat went dry. Add butter and spices and leave till cooked. Add up a spoonful of tomato paste if the meat is hard to cook.
31. Asharbal Leebiya
1 spoon of butter or olive oil
½ spoon salt
½ spoon bzaar
½ lamb meat with some bones
½ spoon chilli pepper
2 spoon tomato paste
4 spoon sharbat lisanil osfoor
Dry mint
Put the oil in a frying pan under low heat and add the the onion, meat and fry until it change colour. Add the tomato paste, spices and 3 cups of water. Leave for cook for an hour. Add the pasta, selantro an mint an leave for 10 under low heat.
32. Sharbat Adas
1 cup adas akhdar
3 tomatoes
3 garlic
½ onion
½ spoon kammoon hoot
1 spoon salt
Put the adas in water for a while. Put it in the pan with tomatoes. Garlic and lot of water and heat it up. Put some oil in a pan. Add onion and spices and some water and fry for 10 minutes, add the adas to it and leave it for cook under low heat for 15 minutes. Serving with lemon
33. Sharbat Khodaar
Any vegetables
Some meat
Slices meat to be add with 2 cups of water in frying pan with some onion an salt. Leave it cooked under low heat till the meat is soft. Add vegetables. Flour mixed with water, poured into the vegetables. Add pasta and cook it after include some dry mint and lemon
34. Sharbat dajaaj
3 pieces of chicken
5 habbat han
5 eedan koronfol
1 tomato
1 sp salt
Put the meat and onion with 3 cups of water in a pan and add the spices and 1 sp of oil and cook till the meat is done. Add the tomatoes and krafis and add enough water and leave cooking till done.
35. Sharbat Hilba
4 large piece of meat with bones
3 spoons of hilba
4 small cut onions
½ spoon bzaar and chilli pepper
1 spoon tomato paste
2 spoon of oil
3 cups of water in wide pan. Add oil, meat and onion. Add the tomato paste and spices and leave it cook until the meat is soft. Add hilba and cook for next 1 hour. Serving with dry mint
36. Sharbat Hoot
Fish (Morjan or Scallop)
Kammoon Hoot
Chopped garlic
Tomato paste
Onion chilli pepper
Sharbt llisanil-osfoor
(or pasta) small sizes
dry mint
Cut fish into small pieces and marinate it in lemon, garlic powder and kaammon hoot for and hour. Put some oil in a pan and add to tomato paste, spices, salt fine onion and water. Cook for 15 minutes. Add the marinated fish, pasta, selantro and dry mint. Cook the mixture for 15 min.
37. Bazeen
(coming soon !! )
38. Aseeda
2 cups of flour
3 cup water
Water, salt to be in frying pan & heat it up. Add 1 spoon of oil. Add flour while stir the mixture quickly with wooden spoon. Remove the mix and keep stirabout in a large bowl until it soften. (Become aseeda) Add some of the boiled water to the aseeda and heat it for 10 min. Again beat the mixture for it to be soften and for getting a thick mixture. Pour some hot butter or honey.
39. Rishtat Borma
½ kg flour dry meat (ghideed) or oil
3 spoon dohn al ghedded
1 cup hommos
½ cup Fool Yabis
1 spoon adas
2 spoon hilba
2 filfil
2 tomato
½ spoon filfil ahmar
1/4 spoon bzaar
4 chopped garlic
½ kosbor and krwiya-shibt
1 spoon dry habak
Flour, water and salt are mixed and leave for 10 min. Put alghiddedd and its dohn in a large pan, add the onion, hommos, fool, addas, hilba, tomato paste ,tomato, spices an fry for 5 minutes, then add 3 cups of water. Make the rushta by cutting flat dough into thin pieces ( like match sticks) and ad it to the above mixture. Finally add garlic, kosbor and krawiya. Keep stir from time to time.
40. Hasaa Lawsa
½ cup tomato juice
½ spoon kosbor and krawiya
filfil ahmar
2 jalapenos bzaar
Tomato paste
Chopped garlic and oil in a pan and heat till its change colour. Add the jalapeno, tomato paste, tomato juice, kosbor, krawiya, salt, bzaar and filfil ahmar. Heat for a while then add 3 cups of water. Leave for 15 minutes. Put 4 spoon of flour in a cup of water and stir. Pour the above mixture and leave for 20 min.
41. Fool Mdashash
½ fool madashash yabis
Large piece of gharaa hamra
½ cup oil
5 chopped garlic
½ spoon salt
½ kammon hoot
1/4 spoon bzaar
1/4 tomato juice
1 spoon tomato paste
2 jalapeno
Fool, water, and algaraa alhamra in a large pan and heat till the fool done. Mix fool an algharaa alhamra. In different pan, add the oil, garlic and heat till coloured. The rest of the ingredients heat up for 15 min. Add all to the fool and stir
42. Shakshooka 1
3 onions
2 jalapenos
Ghideed or oil
Tomato paste
3 tomato
Filfil har and bzaar
Put the gidded or oil in a pan and add to the tomato, tomato paste, filfil har and bzaar and heat for 5 minutes. Add the onions, jalapeno, 1 cup water and leave till the mix thickens. Make a holes in the mix and break the eggs in the holes. Do not stir. Leave for 15 min. Remove the eggs and serve.
43. Shakshooka 2
3 tomato
4 jalapeno
4 garlic
1/4 cup of water
½ spoon salt
filfil ahmar
Put the oil in a frying pan till it sizzles, add garlic, tomato, jalapeno and heat for a while. Add the tomato paste, filfil ahmar, pieces of potato and ½ cup water. Heat till the potato is finish.
44. Haraymi
4 pieces of fish
½ spoon salt
½ chopped garlic
½ spoon kammon hoot
lemon juice
½ spoon chilli
Marinate the fish in lemon, salt, kammon and garlic. Put some oil in pan heat it up until it sizzles then put onions, garlic and heat till coloured. Add 3 spoon tomato paste and tomato juice. Leave for 5 minutes then add salt, kammon and water. After 10 min. Add the marinated fish to the mixture and heat up for 15 min.
45. Torshi
Gharaa hamra
lemon juice
Put the water, potato and garaa hamra in a frying pan and heat till the potato is done. Use for to mash the potato, then add to the balance of the ingredients. Mix an top it with selantro and olives before serving.
46. Mdammas Aljazar
Same a #45, replace algaraa alhamra with carrots
47. Salata Mashwia
green peppers
2 spoon lemon juice
2 spoon salt
3 spoon oil
Mix all the tomato, jalapenos, garlic, green peppers. Put the mixture over aluminium foil in the oven (broil) and stir from time to time till half of the part is broiled. Remove the burned parts of the mixture and mash the balance of it before add the balanced of the ingredients
48. Kifta Lil Atfaal
1/2 kg ground meat
1/2 spoon ghirfa
2 onion
1 spoon salt
1/2 black pepper
2 spoon boil (or oil)
Mix the meat with chopped onion an spices and form it into ball. Heat some water, butter and salt in frying pan. Drop the kifta in the boiled water. Pick up the cooked kifta and dry it and serve with rice & salads.
49. Maghrooth
2 cups of oil
4 cups soft smadnia
1 cup flour
2 spoon oil
1 spoon baking powder
orange peels
1 k honey
1 cup zahr
Mix oil, smadnia, flour, baking powder, and leave for 15 min. Put some oil in a pan and add with the dates and heat for 5 minutes then add hrarat and orange peels then turn off the heat. Take half of the mix an put it in a boiled water. Form the mix into cylindrical shapes and fill it with the stuffing. Put that on a wide pan and put that in the oven (350 degree) till browned. (estimate for 1 hr) When done, remove almaghrooth and sprinkle some sesame and zahr on it
50. Gharaiba
1 cup sugar
4 cup flour
2 spoon butter
Heat the butter and add sugar & flour. Beat till soft. Turn on the oven. Cut the mix into gharaiba pieces and put in a large flat pan. Put an almond in the middle of each gharaiba. Arrange the gharaiba in the pan, baked again.
51. Gharaiba Bil Laoz
1 cup sugar
4 cup flour
2 spoon butter
2 spoon butter
Heat the butter an add to sugar, almond and flour, beat until it soft. Turn on the oven . Cut the mix into crescent forms an arrange it in a large flat pan. Put the pan in heated oven. Remove from the oven an sprinkle some sugar over the gharaiba.
52. Gharaibat Halkoom
1 cup butter
1 cup oil
1 cup milk
5 cups flour
3 spoon jaljilaan
1/4 kg halkoom
baking powder
Heat the butter and add to the oil, milk, oil and baking powder. Cut the mixture into " Hollow Ain Al Jamal " forms. Stuffed it with halkoom. Turn on the oven and wait till very hot. Arrange the stuffed gharaiba in a large flat pan. Put the pan in the oven, bake it. Remove from the oven and sprinkle some sugar all over it.
53. Kaak Leebi Hilw
1 cup oil
1 cup orange juice or water
2 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
5 cup flour
Kammon Kaak
Mix the sugar and eggs and put in the oil, water, flour, baking powder, kammon and jaljalan. Cut the mixture into Kaak forms and put the kaak in a large pan. Heat in the oven 350 deg. for 15 min. Put it in the heated oven. Remove from oven and sprinkle some sugar all over it
54. Kaak Malih
1 cup oil
2 spoon kahmera
kammon kaak
Mix kahmera with sugar an leave for 5 min. Put the flour in a bowl and add with salt, kammon, jaljalaan, oil and kahamera and mix till soft. Cover and leave it for an hour. Cut the mix in kaak forms and put it in the large pan. Heat the oven for 350 deg. for 20 min. Put the pan in the heated oven. Baked it.
55. Kaak Halkoom
1 cup butter
2 spoon zahr
3 cups flour
1/2 kg halkoom
1 spoon baking powder
Heat the butter and add flour, baking powder, zahr and jaljalaan. Cut the mixture into hollowed kaak forms. Stuff it with mixed almond, sugar, ghirfa and butter. Turn on the oven (300 deg) Arrange the stuffed garners in a large flat pan. Put the pan in the heated oven for 20 min.
56. Gharniat
2 cup flour
1 cup butter
The stuffing: 1/2 kgm almond - 1/2 cup sugar - 1 sp ghirfa - 1 sp samn jary.
Mix the water, flour, butter and BP. Cut the mix into desired hollowed forms. Stuff it with a mix of almond, sugar, ghirfa and samn. Turn on the oven (300). Arrange the stuffed garnias in a large flat pan. Put the pan in the heated oven for 20 minutes. Arrange it in a large pan.
57. Sfiniz
4 cup flour
2 cup water
2 spoon khameera
Sugar or honey
1 spoon salt
Mix the sugar and khameera in warm water and leave for 10 min. Add the flour water and mix till soft. Cover the mix and leave it covered for 3 hours. Cut the mixture into 16 pieces and soften it with butter. Leave that in a warm place for 2 hours. Make a pieces flat rounded thin shapes. Boil some oil in a large pan. Drop the sfiniz in the boiled oil one at a time.
58. Zlabia
1 spoon khameera
1 spoon sugar
1 cup warm water
2 cup flour
Mix the sugar and khameera in warm water and leave for 10 min. Add the flour and water and mix till soft. Cover the mixture and leave it covered for 1 hour or when it turns double in sizes. Heat up an oil in large flat pan (medium) Pour the mixture in the pan through a hollow plastic cup to form interconnected zlabia circles. Remove when finished and cover up with honey.
59. Awdaina
2 egg whites
lemon juice
2 cup flour
1 cup butter
Put the egg whites in a large pan and add to lemon juice and mix it. Add the butter, flour an water and mix all till soft. Cover the mixture an leave it for 2 hours. Cut the mixture in flat thin circled shapes. Boil some oil in a large flat pan. Drop the awdainas in the boiled oil one at a time till finish. Mix some sugar, water, lemon, zahr and habahaan (this is the awdaina's sharbat) and boil it. Dip the awdainas in the sharbat one at a time and serve
Thanks to the General Union of the Women of Libya for providing me with their beautiful book "The Libyan Cooking" written in Arabic.
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