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Bodo’s Onlie -Rezeptbuch

Marokko Jamaika
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05.Januar 2014


Vegetarians are in luck in Jordan: it’s very easy to survive without eating meat. Although vegetarianism as a concept isn’t widely understood (Jordanians love their meat) the food culture naturally relies on lots of fresh vegetables, beans and pulses. There are plenty of salads to choose from, lots of vegetable based dips to scoop up with flatbread, and tasty cheap snacks like falafel are easily found. Everything is flavourful from tangy to spicy with olive oil, lemon, garlic, parsley and mint featuring heavily.

Arabic Phrases

English is widely spoken in Jordan so in most places you shouldn’t have problems making your needs as a vegetarian understood. It is worth learning some Arabic though, just in case. To say “I’m vegetarian” it’s “Ana nabati” for men and “Ana nabatiye” for women.

Jordanian meals start with mezze—an array of appetisers including salads, dips and fried snacks. They are often followed by a main course but most of these are meat based so for vegetarians the mezze can make an excellent meal in themselves. Most of these dishes aren’t specific to Jordan but can also be found in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries.

Our favourite places for mezze were Haret Jdoudna in Madaba, Green Valley in Jerash, Feynan Ecolodge which serves only vegetarian food, and Petra Kitchen where we helped make them ourselves

Kommentar: Vegetarische Vorspeisenteller verschiedenster Art. Hat wirklich Spass gemacht. Zu kochen und zu essen. Die Vielfalt der Vorspeisen sind auch für eine Party der Hit.

 Kinderbewertung:  das Fleisch und Tabouleh sind 9-10 Punkte. Alles andere haben sie nicht mögen

 Erwachsenbewertung  Alle Vorspeisen = 10 Punkte, vorallendingen der Humus kam super an.